Baby Blue

My fixer in action!

If I had but one wish for my nieces, whom I love more than the deep blue sea or even all the chocolate in the world: it’s that they find a fixer. I myself married a mechanic. There’s nothing he cannot fix. Including my heart. Which does come in handy when he breaks it.

This is my 1st Trifecta challenge. *giddy*  It was written based on the prompt Blue and its definition: a : low in spirits : melancholy  b : marked by low spirits : depressing <a blue funk> <things looked blue>

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23 thoughts on “Baby Blue

  1. What a lovely little piece! I like the idea of a fixer, especially of broken hearts.


    1. It’s almost fiction, almost totally true. 🙂


  2. ouch…nice last line…only thing with a fixer is they always need to fix things…smiles.


    1. If it ain’t broke – test it ’til it is right?


  3. Great first entry, and welcome to Trifecta! Love the easy-flowing words straight from your heart.


    1. I am looking forward to more Trifecta…


  4. Good that he can fix your heart again if he breaks it! That’s a special skill.


    1. Yeah – he’s got raw talent in that department!


  5. this was a sweet little piece, the ending gave me a light chuckle. (:


  6. My dad was a great fixer…& I sort of hate to admit that guys who can’t fix anything seem like sissies to me, rooted in my personal experience with Dad the all-powerful.


    1. When my dad needed something fixed he normally called me! Ha! My mom was the fixer & builder… And I know what you mean.


  7. great job


  8. trifectawriting 21/06/2012 — 7:58 pm

    Thanks so much for linking up with Trifecta this week. I do like your response. My father was the great fixer, and, I hate to say, kind of ruined me for the real world. There was nothing he couldn’t fix. I just assumed I’d go through life without ever needing a mechanic, plumber or electrician. And then I married an English teacher. 🙂

    One problem: your response doesn’t use the word in its third definition. You’ve hinted at the melancholy, but when you used the word “blue,” you used it to describe the sea.

    Anyway, thanks for linking up and we hope to see you back soon.


    1. And you know what? I almost even totally missed out on even mentioning the word blue. But I thoroughly enjoyed taking part and will most definitely be back, maybe not this weekend as we’re sailing across the sea of Cortez and my internet is pretty limited. I was just checking on the weather and needed to sneak a peak on my blog. Priorities right?


  9. I like the broken heart fixer. It’s best if my husband stays away from fixing things, but he handles my heart with care 🙂


  10. Nice little post.


  11. Charming and honest and oooooooooh the blue ocean. Love.


  12. A fixer…excellent way of putting it. I have myself a fixer. He’s currently learning to pick locks. 🙂


  13. Loved it. My man is a fixer too. Causes a lot of arguments because sometimes I don’t need a fix just an ear


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