Smile: A 33-Word Advice from The Ignorant One

I am the queen of naive art - they reflect my personality best.
I am the queen of naive art – they reflect my personality best.

trifectaThis is a Trifecta Writing Challenge Prompt: We want you to give us thirty-three words of advice.  Your advice can be to anyone or about anything.  We only ask that you make it uniquely yours.  If you have time to kill, you can easily get lost in the advice of others here.

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42 thoughts on “Smile: A 33-Word Advice from The Ignorant One

  1. AMEN! One of the things in life that makes me so sad are people who always feel the need to appear better, smarter, right.

    this said it so well…let’s be happy. Indeed.


    1. I feel like our advices have something in common?


  2. I love the last line! Amen to that!


  3. This is excellent writing & priceless advice!I believe in it & hence love it 🙂


  4. Yes, yes and yes. That last line is perfect.


  5. Laughing is great it makes us feel good well it makes me feel good, along with the sound of a child laughing


  6. It’s a lot more fun to laugh. Good point.


  7. I agree with the comments above – that last line is perfect – I love it!!


  8. I’m glad you did the challenge, if only to get this out!


    1. Yes. And it needed to get out. Actually I debated on this or advice to choose sports wisely as you get old(er) talking about how it’s ok to pee while scuba diving. Stuck with this one instead. 😉


      1. When I got my open water cert, by the 2nd lesson, the instructor was going on about the joys of peeing in a wetsuit.
        What? Northeast water is cold.


        1. Ha! San Diego surface water is 55 degrees and then it gets colder. After my 1st open water dive as we were removing our gear I told the group “Man… I wish I could remember that PEE is what warms you up, not POOP” My instructor hated me from that moment on. People need a sense of humor right?


          1. That’s brilliant!!!
            I need to go find a new diver and convince them that’s true…


          2. Ha! Do it… then tell us all about it in a greatly hilarious post!


  9. Oh but I do like my miserable smartness… 😉


    1. I’m sure you do! And I’m sure your smartness is not just appearance based, but authentic! 😉


  10. ‘your true story between your laugh lines’, love that!


    1. Thanks! I tried to play on “read between the lines” but wasn’t sure if it worked out or not…


  11. Excellent advice! Love the “true story between your laugh lines” too. Well done!
    Oh, and I love the title of your blog — fabulous play on words! 🙂


    1. Thanks! I’m glad you like it, I was actually proud of my title too… Not everybody gets it but when they do it tickles me pink!


  12. Great as always


  13. I agree with the last line, but wonder if it is a choice.
    Whether I agree or not, that is a nice looking graphic. Does the truth of the text affect the beauty of the image?


    1. Does the truth of the text affect the beauty of the image? Not sure, is that a trick question? I just wanted an image of a goofy looking character to support that it’s ok to appear ignorant. A friend once told me to stop smiling so much because it made me look stupid. I decided she was of the kind to not smile in order to look smarter…


  14. kymminbarcelona 06/04/2013 — 12:11 pm

    But I like my ignorant misery!!!
    Great one, Marie, and I admire the artistry as well.


    1. Thanks for the comment on the artistry. I do paper mâché and have a collection of fish. But my artist friends pretty much snicker at my quote-unquote art. So to have anybody call it so makes me gush…


  15. This is something I need to work on, although I have improved. Having a kid has certainly made me feel like an idiot most of the time, but I don’t care so much!


  16. Cobbie's World 06/04/2013 — 9:15 pm

    Always better to be happy. Simple as that. You nailed it. Loved the style in which you presented this piece. Cool blog!


    1. Thanks a lot! My blog (I think) really represents who I am with all of my faces…


  17. I dunno, a lot of very intelligent people are quite miserable. Misery has nothing to do with intelligence or lack thereof. A lot of things go into making a person feel the way they do. Circumstances, lack of support, or a lovely thing called mental illness. I don’t think that a person’s moods should be equated with their intelligence.


    1. I wasn’t referring to real and actual intelligence, but more in the lines of appearances. I’ve had people tell me to stop smiling because it made me look stupid. And discovered that these who told me not to smile loved to frown because they believed it made them look smarter. It’s in the lines of putting people down to feel better and superior. Just false senses of superiority. I also believe that the more we smile the more we actually do send positive messages to our brain – kind of like brainwashing via smiles. And of course with factors such as mental illnesses and chemical imbalances happiness cannot be forced or programmed by something as simple as a smile. My statement was but a basic one… If that makes any sense?

      Thanks a lot for commenting though, I do appreciate honest comments (that and the fact that you liked my octopus makes me happy!)


  18. I do like the octopus though. He’s quite cute.


  19. Wise words. And so true.


  20. Zen advice if ever i heard it. I know that whenever I’m learning something new, I have to ask a zillion dumb sounding questions. Eventually, I catch on. But that ‘asking’ part? yeah.


    1. I’m a question asker too. I always feel like my questions are so stupid, but not long after asking I realize everybody else had the same question but was too afraid to ask. Comes out we’re not being dumb for asking, but brave for standing up and clarifying more. Yay us and our bravado!


  21. Love it!
    Look at people in a shopping mall. A person well-dressed and with perfect features but looking grumpy is ugly. A very plain, untidy person but with an eager, happy look will appear beautiful.


  22. ha. happy to be ignorant and loving life here…smiles.


  23. The people I enjoy being around the most are the ones who laugh and smile a lot-the ones with nothing to prove:) Well written,and well said!!


  24. I love this SO MUCH!!! Your last line? NAILED IT! Great job!!!


  25. That last one. Oh lord, I need to practice that. My mouth is enormous, my ego bigger, my ignorance biggest of all. I know I put people off. Hey, at least I am aware 😉


  26. I am amazed to get This is a great posting I like your article.


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