Weekly Photo Challenge: Curve-Alicious

This week’s photo challenge is CURVES. This word evoques really but one thing in my mind: women. We are loaded with them. Sometimes these curves are extreme:
Big boobies

Shame on me for posting this amazing image above and not researching the artist. This curvalicious and headless female body was done by Nikki de Saint-Phalle. Thanks to FrizzText for point that out to me. I have always been a fan of Nikki’s work, and now I finally have a name to follow. Thanks Frizz for reminding me to truly honor the artist not just their work.

And then there are the times when these curves are something else entirely:

I took these pictures during my first visit to France in 1996. In my memory it was but a few years ago, but look at that digit: 1996. It was eons ago!

p.s. Obviously I forgot what year this was when I watermarked these! And 2013 is half way done! Oh the shame…

wordpressClick to find out more about the Weekly Photo Challenge: CURVES. 

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36 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Curve-Alicious

  1. these are really great curves! 🙂


    1. Yes! I’m glad you like them… 😉


  2. Yes, indeed great curves!!


    1. Top right woman in the middle? How did you guess?


  3. I was really chuckling after that first one.



    1. When I initially showed that to my mother eons ago she was so grossed out and asked me why in the world would I want to take THAT picture… I told her how I thought it was so beautiful! 😀


  4. I wondered who what going to do the first “real” curves! Great post, Marie!


    1. I haven’t yet started to look at the others… I assumed there would be more curvalicious types as mine!

      Thanks for your visit… Is yours up yet?


      1. Yes! See what you think!


  5. vastlycurious.com 14/06/2013 — 8:29 pm

    I agree !


  6. I have curves nice curves too……………..lol ok you did well my friend


    1. Our curves are a major part of our beauty: celebrate them (with another sundae)


  7. Love the photos and the first sculpture is awesome.


    1. Yes! I loved it instantly. And the sky was electrical, it wasn’t raining but just on the verge of a huge storm… just added to the beauty!


  8. I definitely have my share of curves, sometimes more than I’d like. Loved that first photo.


    1. Don’t we all have more than we’d like? It’s what makes us human… And thanks! Have i ever told you how i wish you could join me on my paddleboard photo hikes?


      1. That would be too much fun. I’ve yet to try paddle boarding, but have gone on a couple of kayak photo hikes. Those were wonderful.


        1. It’s beyond awesome. Ever wonder what it would be like to take a walk on the ocean?


  9. Nice curves. I blush. ‘Cause I’m a nice guy and them ladies is all nekkid.


  10. female sculptor Niki de St. Phalle was a curve-maniac …


    1. Is she the sculptor of that woman at Pompidou? Need to look into her work!


      1. That IS her work… I’m such a fan of hers. Now why didn’t I ever look it up and find out who did all those amazing sculptures? Thank you so much for putting a name on this work. Oddly enough some of the images that come up on a google search are Matisse inspired works. Do you know anything about that?


        1. her NANAS are her own idea – and she provoked often a lot of trouble with the sculptures 🙂


  11. Ah yes. Curves. Some are more like bubbles. Others 90-degree angles. Certain curves I love. I accentuate. Show off. Hell yes, I show them off. Other curves? Not so much. I try to run them off. Sit-up and push-up them off. Ignore them. Dress them up. Pride has been a hard thing for me to find in myself. I’m working on it.


  12. I always wished I had more curves, I have more of a straight-ish build. It makes me sad to hear only real women have curves.


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