Prepare to Be Boarded Young Lady

While riding my paddle board, I crossed a sailboat with 4 men. One of them yelled out a boarding threat (see title).

“But you’ll have to jump in the water to come get me!” was the only quick thing I could come up with in lieu of a smart reply.Their answer indicated how little they knew of the boarding process because they told me I could just swim over there. What they didn’t know was how, in response to the “young lady” portion of their threat, I wanted to yell out “I fucking love you!!!”

When I’m dealing with 4 men, strangers, on a boat called “Wet Willy” I tend to stay on the conservative side. How times have changed…

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11 thoughts on “Prepare to Be Boarded Young Lady

  1. Lol! Glad they were just kidding around…


    1. Oh yes, they were sweet and innocent looking, Just thought there was a neat story behind it! 🙂


  2. See? You’re fucking gorgeous. You. Are. Hot. As proven by four randy strangers aboard a wet fucking boat!


    1. LOL – I’m pretty sure they would have said that to anybody… 🙂 But, thank you!


  3. Pretty sure one good bop with your paddle would have sent them in search of Davey Jones locker.
    Did they at least offer you food or beer?


  4. You set sail on the Wet Willy? I hope this trip goes the distance.


  5. Is there something like sailing under the influence?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bwahaha, your hotness and Wet Willy, what a combo that would have been in the old unmarried days. And I can testify that you still look like a young fox after viewing the paddle board contest at La Cruz. Is it OK for an old lady to say that a friend looks like a fox?


  7. Good thing they were just fooling around


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